Wednesday, August 24, 2011

to start

Okay, so it's been a while since I've had a blog, live journal... or a journal in general. So here goes nothing.
Allow me to introduce myself... if anyone cares. I'm Katherine. My friends call me Kate. My family on my father's side call me Katherine, on my mom's it's Kathy... which i completely LOATH! Do not, under any circumstances call me Kathy... well, not unless you have a death wish. Being called Kathy infuriates the hell out of me and the only reason I tolerate it from my family is, well, they're blood and you don't disrespect blood. Any who, moving on.
I'm 22, live in New England and have two little boys (which you will most likely find are my life and I complain A LOT about my 3 year-old's father).
I have brown (right now it's artificially strawberry blond) hair and golden brown eyes.
I'm short, all of my tall guy friends call me midget which they find friggin' hilarious... I on the other hand got jipped on the gene pool, okay so I'm 5 foot 1 and I like to pretend I'm 5 foot 2 (yes that extra inch really does make a difference in making me somewhat satisfied), but alas my non-drivers ID says I'm 5 foot 1.
I'm full of piss and vinegar, and have a raunchy sense of humor. Honestly anything perverted really makes me laugh... dunno why. call me immature if you like but I don't give two sh*ts.
I LOVE to read YA books (mostly about vampires, fey, warewovles, witches... etc). I am completely engorged in two series: The Iorn Fey series by Julie Kagawa and The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Which one came first you might ask? Well... that's like asking if the chicken or the egg question that every says when they want to be obnoxious. lol. I read Cassandra Clare's series first and LOVED it!
I took 4 years of voice lessons and LOVE music. I love to sing, I'm always humming a tune and ocassionally... if the moment strikes me right, I'll randomly break into song. It's amusing when ppl look at you like you have 3 heads or are a fire breathing dragon...
I have a vast imagination. I'm always dreaming up something. I want to be a writter or a singer. These are the only things I know how to do  and do them well.
That's all for now folks.


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